Thor是小編最愛的"The Avengers"(復仇者聯盟)角色!由Chris Hemsworth所飾演的雷神真的是帥到無法無天。當然,這部戲cast(卡司)也強到不行,除了狂野又好善良的Thor之外,還有Hollywood高學歷女星兼Oscar影后Natalie Portman及永不敗之老牌演員Anthony Hopkins。只能說,是一部完全不能夠拒看的大片!(實在是挑不出毛病啊!)



Thor這個角色與故事源自於Marvel Comics (漫威漫畫)的同名漫畫。也同樣為復仇者聯盟內所有角色源起。到底Marvel Comics在這些動不動就上億票房的鉅片裡,它扮演怎麼樣一個角色呢?


Marvel Comics is an American company that publishescomic books and related media. Marvel counts among its characters such well-known properties as Spider-Man, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man, the Hulk, Thor, Captain America and Daredevil; antagonists such as the Green Goblin, Magneto, Doctor Doom, Galactus, and the Red Skull. Most of Marvel's fictionalcharacters operate in a single reality known as the Marvel Universe, with locations that mirror real-life cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.


Marvel Comics是一家美國的公司,專門出版漫畫書及相關的媒體。Marvel擁有了許多有名的角色像是蜘蛛人、X戰警、驚奇四超人、綠巨人浩克、雷神索爾、美國隊長、夜魔俠;其他反派角色像是綠魔俠、萬磁王、末日博士、銀河王、及紅骷髏。大部分的Marvel虛構的角色都會在同一個名為Marvel Universe (Marvel宇宙)來運作,影射了真實的地點像是紐約、洛杉磯及芝加哥等美國重要城市。



好啦!對Marvel Comics有了基本的認識後,我們要把焦點拉回Thor身上囉!


Thor 漫畫版


The film tells the story of Thor, the crown prince of Asgard, who is exiled from his homeland to Earth because of his arrogance. While there, he forms a relationship with Jane Foster, a scientist. However, Thor must stop his adopted brother Loki, who intendsto become the new king of Asgard. Thor soon becomes one of Earth's finest defenders.

這部片講述了雷神Thor的故事,一位來自於阿斯嘉王國的王子,由於他的自負,從自己的祖國被貶到地球。在地球的日子裡,他與一位女科學家Jane Foster建立了關係。然而,Thos必須要阻止他那位領養來的弟弟Loki,正盤算著要密謀爭奪王位。沒多久,Thor就成為地球的最佳守護者之一。(別忘了還有Iron Man, Captain America...等也都是其他的地球守護者喔!)



Odin: Through your arrogance and stupidity, you've opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of war! You are unworthy ofthese realms, you're unworthy of your title, you're unworthy... of the loved ones you have betrayed!





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