
暑假檔大片真的是一片接一片,完全沒有要讓小編拿錢買票的手閒下來。沒有任何事情比在炎炎夏日,躲進電影院喝冰可樂、吃爆米花還有看動作片更令人愉快舒爽的事情了!我想有定期閱讀看電影學英文的你們一定知道小編本人進場觀賞的理由吧~沒錯!就是Ryan Reynolds!以前其實真的沒有覺得他特別的帥氣,但是自從他打敗情敵,從Leonardo DiCaprio手中奪走大正妹 Blake Lively時,突然覺得他帥到在發光。不管如何,這部片乍看是Scientific-Fiction,但片中卻是充滿了許多Comedy的元素,這才是本人我真正的入場原因啦~所以本週必做的事情之一,就是入場看片!看看兩個相差了上百歲的警探如何搭檔打退敵人。保證你笑到不行~



R.I.P.D. movie describes the afterlife of a recently slain police officer who is recruited into the R.I.P.D. – Rest In Peace Department, a force tasked with catching bad souls who escape judgment.
R.I.P.D. 描述了一位被謀殺的警察在死後招募到the R.I.P.D. – Rest In Peace Department (降魔局),一個警隊:任務是專門捕捉逃脫審判的惡靈。
.afterlife [ˈæftɚˌlaɪf] (n.) 來世、來生。
Example:People of many religions believe in an afterlife.
Do you believe in an afterlife?

.slain[slen] (slay [sle]的過去分詞) (v-passive) 謀殺、殺害。
Example: Two Australian tourists were slain.

.recruit[rɪˈkrut] (v.) 招收、招募、徵召。
Example: We lower the standards in order to recruit real talents.

.task[tæsk] (v.) 給…分配任務、派給…(工作)。
Example: My mother tasked me with washing dishes after dinner.



Tagline: To protect and serve the living.When the dead won’t rest, the R.I.P.D. won’t quit
宣傳詞: 保護及效忠(活)人類。只要死人不安息,R.I.P.D. (降魔局)就不會停止(追捕)。
.“living”[ˈlɪvɪŋ] (n.) 生者、活著的人們。
Example: She claims to be psychic and helps the living to communicate with the dead.



Roy Pulsipher: We are the greatest lawmen that ever lived and died.
Roy Pulsipher: 我們是最棒的警察,不管是活著的時候還是死了以後。
.“lawman”['lɔ:men] (n.) (複數 lawmen) (警察等)執法者、(律師等)法律工作者。
Example: He had mocked the laws and made a monkey out of the lawmen.



Roy Pulsipher: Here’s the deal, our job is catching bad souls that hide out among the living.
Roy Pulsipher: 這樣說好了,我們的工作是把躲藏在人群之中的悪靈逮出來。
.“Here’s the deal.” (Idiom) 你看這樣吧、這樣好了、事情是這樣的、不如這樣吧!
Example: Here's the deal: I'll give you half the money now and half the money when the TV is safely delivered.
Example: These T-shirts are in bad condition. Here's the deal :I'll buy all of them for 30% off, okay?

.“hideout” [haɪd aʊt] (v.p.) 躲藏在…、隱藏在…。
Example: He tried to hide out, but the police tracked him down.



Roy Pulsipher: Don’t tense up!
Roy Pulsipher: 不要緊張!
.“tense up” [tɛns ʌp] (v.p.) 緊張。
Example: He tensed up when he saw his opponent enter the room.
He dislikes oral exams most of all, they always tense him up.














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