Did you know that Sylvester Stallone not only acted in this movie, he also wrote and directed it. How cool is that ?

Yin Yang: When I get hurt, the hole is bigger.....because I'm smaller.

陰陽: 我受傷時,傷口會比較大....因為我人比較小啊。








A  +  is / are  +  ( 比較級形容詞 )  +  than  +  B

而 ( 比較級形容詞 ) 要如何形成呢 ?? 請看下面.....


單音節 / 少數的兩音節 ( +  er )


1.  通常在形容詞後面加上 er,就形成比較級。

e.g.  small -- Dogs are smaller than horses.

e.g.  yellow --  This piece of paper is yellower than the one over there.


2.  形容詞字尾已有 e 時,則只加 r。

e.g.  nice -- This dress is nicer than that one.

e.g.  gentle -- My current boyfriend is gentler than my ex.


3.  形容詞字尾是 y 結尾時,則去 y 加 ier。

e.g.  dry -- Is the weather in Taiwan drier than in Europe ?

e.g.  dirty -- Humans may be dirtier than animals.


4.  單音節形容詞字尾是「子音 + 母音 + 子音」時,就要重覆最後的子音,加 er。

e.g.  wet --  My socks are wetter than my jacket.



( more + )大多數的兩音節 / 多音節


* 注1: 要是兩個音節的形容詞結尾是 -able, -did, -ed, -ful, -ing, -ive, -less, -ous 則會用這個規則。

* 注2: 有些兩個音節的形容詞是加 more 或加 er 皆可的。如...common --> commoner / more common。


e.g.  useless -- You're more useless than I imagined.

e.g.  beautiful -- This is more beautiful than anything I've ever seen.





也就是不加 er 也不加 more。改成另一個字。

1.  good / well -- better

2.  bad -- worse

3.  many / much -- more

4.  little / few -- less

5.  far -- farther / further

 See if you understand the lesson by trying some sentences below~~

Just comment and I'll check if you're right or wrong.





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