Another Wuxia classic ~~~This time in 3D



這篇算是小編的怨念 !!

昨晚小編的丈夫沉迷於徐克導演的「七劍」,叫他都不太理我,很生氣 !!





1.  Hell Has No Gates / We're Going to Eat You  =  地獄無門  ( 1979 )


2.  Zu Warriors from the Magic Mountain  =  新蜀山劍俠  ( 1983 )


3.  Shanghai Blues  =  上海之夜  ( 1984 )


4.  Working Class  =  打工皇帝  ( 1985 )


5.  Peking Opera Blues  =  刀馬旦  ( 1986 )


6.  A Better Tomorrow  =  英雄本色  ( 1986 )


7.  A Chinese Ghost Story  =  倩女幽魂  ( 1987 )


8.  The Big Heat  =  城市特警  ( 1988 )


9.  The Master  =  龍行天下  ( 1989 )


10.  The Swordsman  =  笑傲江湖  ( 1990 )


11.  Once Upon a Time in China  =  黃飛鴻  ( 1991 )


12.  Twin Dragons  =  雙龍會  ( 1992 )


13.  Green Snake  =  青蛇  ( 1993 )


14.  The Lovers  =  梁祝  ( 1994 )


15.  Shanghai Grand  =  新上海灘  ( 1996 )


16.  Time and Tide  =  順流逆流 ( 2000 )


17.  Seven Swords  =  七劍  ( 2005 )


18.  All About Women  =  女人不壞  ( 2008 )


19.  Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame  =  狄仁傑之通天帝國  ( 2010 )



What's your favorite Tsui Hark film ??

Mine is " The Lovers ".

It's such a sad story. 




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