說到Joseph Gordon-Levitt這位演員,你們一定不陌生吧?如果說到這裡你還不知道是誰,那我就要提醒你一下囉~蝙蝠俠系列黑暗騎士中的John Blake!這下水落石出了吧!帶點東方味道的憂鬱臉龐,,可說是Hollywood的當紅炸子雞。這次更上一層樓,自編自導還有自演的作品”Don Jon”,找了本世紀最性感的女星Scarlett Johansson搭擋演出,真的是很有看頭!對愛情有不同幻想的兩個人,該如何放下既定的期望,找到真愛呢?就讓我們拭目以待吧!

至於Scarlett Johansson 就不用多說了吧!最近她幸福滿滿,要開第二春,而且聽說要來台灣拍電影了耶~祝大家幸運,可在台北街頭遇到她!

在深入到劇情前,我們得先來聊聊Don Jon到底是什麼?

Don Jon是英國文學家拜倫小說裡頭主角的名字,也翻譯成唐璜,這樣有比較熟悉了吧!在書中,他可是西班牙貴族,英俊瀟灑,還風流倜儻,一生周旋在許多女人之間,到了現代,這個名字還被賦予了情聖的意思。

那到底為何要把這部電影取名為Don Jon呢?據導演Joseph本人的說法就是,簡單好記啦!

Jon Martello is a strong, handsome, good old-fashioned guy. His buddies call him Don Jon due to his ability to "pull" a different woman every weekend, but even the finest fling doesn't compare to the bliss he finds alone in front of the computer watching p*rnography. Barbara Sugarman is a bright,beautiful, good old-fashioned girl. Raised on romantic Hollywood movies, she's determined to find her Prince Charming and ride off into the sunset. Wrestling with good old-fashioned expectations of the opposite sex, Jon and Barbara struggle against a media culture full of false fantasies to try and find true intimacy in this unexpected comedy.


  • pull [ pʊl] (v.) 吸引、引誘。

        Example: The show has certainly pulled the crowds.

        Example: He certainly knows how to pull women.


  • fling [flɪŋ] (n.) 1. 風流韻事。 2. 短暫的放縱、一時的盡情享樂。

        Example: She claims she had a brief fling with him 30 years ago.

        Example: Enjoy your last fling before you finally give up and take up a job.


  • bliss [blɪs] (n.) 幸福無比、狂喜、極樂。

        Example: It was a scene of such domestic bliss.

        Example: They were in a state of bliss during the honeymoon.


  • determined [dɪˈtə:mɪnd] (adj.) 堅定的、決意的、下定決心的。

        Example: She is a remarkably adroit and determined politician.


  • ride off [raɪd ɔf] (p.v.) 騎(馬或自行車)離開。

        Example: Without saying a word, she got on her bicycle and rode off.


  • intimacy [ˈɪntəməsi] (n.) 親密、密切。

        Example: Exercising together is a means of achieving intimacy with another person.

Don Jon: This girl's more than a dime, bro.

Bobby: There's no such thing. There's a scale from 1-10.

Don Jon: 兄弟啊!那女孩整個正到爆錶!

Bobby: 少來了!等級只有一到十好不好!


  • dime [daɪm] (n.) (美國貨幣中的) 10分硬幣。

        Example: It's not earning you a dime interest.


  • scale [skel] (n.) 1. 大小、(尤指龐大的)規模、範圍、程度。2. 等級、級別。

        Example: However, he underestimates the scale of the problem.

        Example: The patient rates the therapies on a scale of zero to ten. 

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