你看了沒???如果沒有要快點買票進場啦!2014年度最大名氣的電影啊!不間斷被提名,也不間斷在得獎的鉅片。你一定要儘速前往觀賞喔!本片很夠本的給你3小時,但你隨著Leonardo DiCaprio一起沖大浪跳小浪,過飽上流社會的奢華生活。


如果你還不夠認識這位難能可貴的巨星,就讓小編來給你個簡短介紹吧~他開啓他演藝生崖的方式可是先從電視廣告開始喔!身為家中唯一的小孩(獨子),他出生於加州洛杉磯。他被命名為Leonardo的原因真的很有趣呢~據說是她的媽媽在義大利的博物館裏頭,欣賞著Leonardo da Vinci(達文西)的畫作時,Leonardo第一次踢了媽媽的肚皮。Leonardo小時候與在德國的外公外婆生活在一起一陣子,所以他可是可以說一口流利的德文呢!



Everywhere I go, somebody is staring at me, I don't know if people are staring because they recognize me or because they think I'm a weirdo.



Don't think for a moment that I'm really like any of the characters I've played. I'm not. That's why it's called 'acting'.


Martin Scorsese directs the story of New York stockbroker Jordan Belfort. From the American dream to corporate greed, Belfort goes from penny stocks and righteousnessto IPOs and a life of corruption in the late 80s. Excess success and affluence in his early twenties as founder of the brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont warranted Belfort the title "The Wolf of Wall Street."

  • penny stock [ˈpɛni stɑk] (n.) 面值在美金一元以下的股票、小額股票。


  • righteousness ['raɪtʃəsnəs] (n.) 正直、正當、正義、正派。

        Example: If justice and righteousness perish, human life would no longer have any value in the world.


  • IPO (initial public offerings) 初次公開上市股票、首次公開發行股票。


  • excess [ˈɛkˌsɛs] (adj.) 過量的、過多的。

        Example: The major reason for excess weight is excess eating.


  • affluence [əˈfluəns] (n.) 富裕、富足。

        Example: There is a lot of affluence in this part of the state because it has many businesses.

        Example: Their affluence is more apparent than real.


  • brokerage [ˈbrokərɪdʒ] (n.) 經紀公司、代理公司。

        Example: John works for a brokerage firm now.


  • warrant [ˈwɔrənt] (v.) 保證、擔保。

        Example: All entrants must warrant that their entry is entirely their own work.

My name is Jordan Belfort. The year I turned 26, I made 49 million dollars, which reallypissed me off because it was three shy of a million a week.


  • piss off [pɪs ɔf] (v.p.) 惹惱、激怒、使不爽。

        Example: What did he say to piss you off?


這句出現在預告片及片頭的自我介紹,可能會有同學看不太懂,到底什麼是 three shy of a million a week? 緣由是因為 Jordon Belford 說他一年賺進 49 million,但一年有52周,他差 3 million 就可以一周賺1個million了。(three shy of a million a week)。很有趣吧!

Jordan Belfort: Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I've been a poor man, and I've been a rich man. And I choose rich every fu**ing time.


  • nobility [noˈbɪlɪti] (n.) 高尚、高貴。

        Example: Her nobility of character made her much admired.

  • poverty [ˈpɑvəti] (n.) 貧窮、貧困。

        Example: He died in loneliness and poverty.

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