一年一度,小編最喜歡的節日又要來臨了!「聖誕節」這個神聖又溫馨的佳節,就如同老外的"過年",不管你在世界的哪一個角落,總是能夠感受到濃濃的氣氛,伴隨著魔法可能隨時降臨的期待,今年聖誕節,讓我們一起"Merry Christmas"吧!
Buddy was a baby in an orphanage who ended up at the North Pole and stowed away by elves. Later, as an adult human who happened to be raised by elves, Santaallows him to go to New York City to find his birth father. Buddy, meanwhile,experiences the delights of New York City and human culture.
Things you should know about Christmas. 你應該要知道的聖誕節!
Christmas is one of the most widely celebrated holiday's in the world. It is a celebration of love, joy and unity. 聖誕節是世界上最廣泛慶祝的節日。每年這一天,人們慶祝著愛、歡樂及團圓。
Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25th of each year. It is the day Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. There are many different customs and traditionsaround the world. American customs come from many places. Santa Claus has a Dutch origin. He was developed from St. Nicholas who was a real person. St. Nicholas, was thepatron saint of school boys. He brought gifts to the children. The idea that Santa Claus comes down the chimney originated in Norway, where children hang Christmas stockings on the fireplace mantel.
聖誕節在每年12月25號。是一個慶祝耶穌基督誕生的日子。世界各地都有許多不同的習俗與傳統。美國的習俗可是從很多地方演變而來的。聖誕老人起源於荷蘭。他是從一位名為St. Nicholas,真實存在的人發展而來的。St. Nicholas 是學校男孩的守護聖徒。他帶禮物給孩子們。聖誕老人從煙囪下來的概念來使於挪威,那裡的孩子會把聖誕襪掛在壁爐架上。
Christmas colors are red and green. Today, traditional Christmas activities includecaroling, making and giving gifts, sending cards to family and friends, and enjoying festive dinners and parties. The standard Christmas dinner includes turkey, potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, vegetables, and some desserts.
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