這部以岳父女婿為故事中心的喜劇片,雖然之後陸陸續續也出了幾集的續集,但小編還是最喜歡首部曲,第一次的初體驗跟第一次的交戰,小編心中最性格的超熟男演員Robert DeNiro (勞勃狄尼洛),在此片中,挑戰個人戲路生涯,成功跨足喜劇咖,真得是很值得一看再看啊!
Greg is a good person, a male nurse, and madly in love with Pam. He had been going out with Pam for less than a year, and was planning to ask Pam to marry him. Unfortunately, Pam’s dad Jack is a very conservative, suspicious and protective father, and he doesn’t seem to like Greg.
I got one question for you; Can you deal with that?!
“To deal with” 某件事/人,表示可以處理或應付這個某件事/人。
Example: He won't be able to deal with the situation; he's too ineffectual.
Oh, shoot, I forgot to change my shoes.
"shoot!" 是一個很溫和的語氣表達詞,像是"喔!"、"啊!"...等,表達挫折感或是憤怒。
Example: Shoot! I slept in again! (糟了!我又睡過頭了!) (sleep in有兩個意思,第一是睡過頭,第二是睡懶覺;I want to sleep in this Sat. 我這禮拜六想要睡到自然醒;Don't sleep in again or you will be late to work. 不要在睡過頭了,要不然你上班又要遲到了。)
I think your dad’s gonna be really psyched about this gift.
Example: She was totally psyched when her manager announced her promotion.
I’m sorry. It just kind of slipped out.
假如某些話從某人的嘴巴裡面"slip out",表示這些話不是他們很想要或打算要說的,換句話說,就是說溜嘴。
A: Why did tell mother that I failed the Math test?
B: I am really sorry. It just slipped out from my mouth when she gave me the you-better-tell-the-truth look.
I’m going to make a run to the store.
"make a run" 到某個地方,表示要跑一趟去某地方,這是一個俚語,特別指不是太遠(距離近)的路程。
Example: We are out of eggs. I will need to make a run to the grocery store.
OK, let’s head out.
OK! 我們出發吧!
"head out"是一個很口語化的說法,表示出發、出門、離開
Example: When time should we head out?
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