愛情喜劇片中有一類叫teen movie的我又特別喜愛,就是在講高中生的愛恨情仇,元素一定包括學校球隊的帥男孩、等拿好人牌的呆呆乖男孩、邪惡女霸主、清新脫俗的個性少女。千萬不要問我為什麼愛看,我無法歸類原因。可能是第一我長不大,第二當年我既不是女霸主也不是個性少女,遺憾!
“Saved” is the very funny story of Mary, a young, naïve and sweet Christian high school student. Her boyfriend Dean told her that he thinks he is gay. Mary plans to save him from what the Bible says is a sin. Later her accidental pregnancy adds even more trouble to what had been a peaceful and happy life.
“Saved” 是一個關於瑪麗的好笑故事。這位年輕女孩是一位單純且甜美的高中生,就讀於基督教高中。 她的男朋友Dean告訴她有可能自己是個同性戀者。Mary計劃要從聖經裡所說的罪中解救出來。之後,她意外懷孕,加入更多的麻煩進到原本平和及快樂的生活中。
I was about to be a senior at a really good Christian school.
A “senior”通常指就讀學校最後一年的學生(畢業班學生),低年級生可稱為”junior”。
Ex: Some seniors like to bully juniors.
It’s lame, I know.
Ex: Flowers, dinner and movie are lame. You need to come up with new things to do for your dates.
I’m counting on it.
“To count on something or someone”是指依靠、指望某事或某人。
Ex: I can always count on you to cheer me up.
Oh, my gosh, Hilary Faye, are you OK?
噢!我的老天啊!Hilary Faye,你還好嗎?
Ex: Gosh. It's freaking cold today. I can't even feel my own nose.
I’m a Jewel. It’s awesome!
Ex: You have a awesome mother. She is so young and fun!
Guess what! I think Jesus appeared to me in my fish tank.
“Guess what”是問別人知不知道發生什麼事了或知不知道怎麼了。
Ex: Guess what? He is going to move to China next week.
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