

In the year 2154, two classes of people exist: the very wealthy, who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated,ruined Earth. The people of Earth are desperate to escape the planet's crime and poverty, and they need the state-of-the-art medical care available on Elysium - but some in Elysium will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve their citizens luxurious lifestyle. The only man with the chance bring equality to these worlds is Max(Matt Damon), an ordinary guy in desperate need to get to Elysium.



  • pristine [ˈprɪsˌtin] (adj.) 一塵不染的、嶄新的。

     Example: Now the house is in pristine condition.


  • Elysium [ɪˈlɪziəm] (n.) 極樂世界。

     Example: Do you believe the existence of Elysium?


  • overpopulated [͵ovɚˋpɑpjə͵letɪd] (adj.) 人口過剩的、人口過密的。

     Example: Pollution is the price we pay for an overpopulated, over-industrialized planet.


  • ruined ['ru:ɪnd] (adj.) 毀壞的、荒廢的。

     Example: I was ruined by that law case,I'm a ruined man.


  • desperate [ˈdɛspərɪt] (adj.) 極需要的、渴望的。

     Example: They'd been married nearly four years and she was desperate to start a family.


  • poverty [ˈpɑvəti] (n.) 貧窮、貧困。

     Example: Unemployment is a major cause of poverty.



  • state-of-the-art [s'teɪt'əvðə'ɑ:t] (adj.) 使用最新進技術的。

     Example: The system was state of the art.


  • available [əˈveləbəl] (adj.) 能找到的、可獲得的、可用的。

     Example: We are doing our best with the limited resources available.


  • enforce [ɛnˈfors] (v.) 強制實施、強制執行(法律、規定等)。

     Example: It's the job of the police to enforce the law.


  • luxurious [lʌɡˈʒʊriəs] (adj.) 舒適的、豪華的、奢侈的。

     Example: The rich man lives in luxurious surroundings.

Spider: Gave you a way out… Whoever has this has the power to override their whole system… You can save everyone.

Spider: 給你一條出路吧…不管是誰,只要有這個東西,就會有推翻他們整個系統的能力…你可以拯救每所有人。

  • override[ˌovɚˈraɪd] (v.) 撤銷、推翻、否決、使無效。

     Example: The chairman's vote was overridden by the committee.

Julio: You used to be a legend and now what?

Julio: 你曾經是個傳奇的耶,看你現在什麼鬼德性?

used to [juzd tu] 1. 過去一向、過去曾(而現在不再)做。2. (用於過去持續或經常發生的事)曾經。

        Example: I used to go to the cinema every week.

        Example: He used to be a pilot but now he has a desk job.




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