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In order to restore their dying safe haven, the son of Poseidon and his friends embark on a quest to the Sea of Monsters to find the mythical Golden Fleece while trying to stop anancient evil from rising.


  • “restore”[rɪˈstor] (v.) 恢復。

        Example: A good rest will restore you to health.

        Example: He tried to restore some semblance of normality to his life.


  • “embark”[ɛmˈbɑrk] (v.) 著手、開始做。

        Example: He is about to embark on a new business venture.

        Example: Some forethought and preparation is necessary before you embark on the project.


  • “mythical”[ˈmɪθɪkəl] (adj.) 1.神話的、只存在於神話中的。 2.虛構的、杜撰的。

        Example: The sculpture is the mythical unicorn.

        Example: He sketched out a mythical situation paralleling his own real one.


  • “ancient”[ˈenʃənt] (adj.) 1.遠古的、古代的。 2.古老的、年代久遠的。

        Example: They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.

        Example: This stone axe is a relic of ancient times.


Percy Jackson: We're pretty much like anyone else you'd meet but with a few notable differences.

Percy Jackson: 除了幾個顯著的不同處外,我們幾乎跟其他你會遇到人們一樣


  • “notable”[ˈnotəbəl] (adj.) 值得注意的、顯著的、有趣的。

        Example: His achievement is very notable.

        Example: He made many notable discoveries.

        Example: His father was a notable architect.

Hermes: If there's one thing I've learned over the eons, it's that you can't give up on your family, no matter how tempting they make it.

Hermes: 這幾千萬年下來,我學會了一件事,那就是你絕對不可以放棄你的家人,不管他們搞得有多誘惑人。


  • “eon”[ˈiən] = aeon [ˈiən] (n.) 極漫長的時期、萬古、千萬年。

        Example: Aeons ago, there were deserts where there is now fertile land.


  • “tempting”[ˈtɛmptɪŋ] (adj.) 誘人的、吸引人的。

        Example: At first glance, it would be tempting to agree.

        Example: Your invitation is so tempting that I couldn’t refuse at all.

Annabeth Chase: My fatal flaw, that's what the Sirens showed me. My fatal flaw is hubris.

Annabeth Chase: 我致命的弱點,賽妊*告訴我的。我致命的弱點是傲慢自大



  • “fatal”[ˈfetl] (adj.) 1.(行為)致命的、後果極嚴重的、毀滅性的。 2.(事故或疾病的)致命的、致死的。

        Example: Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years.

        Example: A hospital spokesman said she had suffered a fatal heart attack.


  • “flaw”[flɔ] (n.) 1.(性格中的) 缺點、弱點。 2.瑕疵、缺陷。

        Example: The only flaw in his character seems to be a short temper.

               Jealousy is a big flaw in his character.

        Example: The flaw in this stamp makes it less valuable.


  • “hubris”[ˈhjubrɪs] (n.) 傲慢、自大、自恃。

        Example: Among bankers I meet, there is a lot more hubris than humility.


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