

The costumed high-school hero Kick-Ass joins with a group of normal citizens who have been inspired to fight crime in costume. Meanwhile, the Red Mist plots an act of revenge that will affect everyone Kick-Ass knows.

Kick-Ass: Me and Hit Girl, we're training everyday. There were more and more people joining us every night… There's no room for punks in suits, just real heroes who can reallykick ass.

Kick-Ass: 我和Hit Girl,我們每天都有做訓練。每天晚上都有越來越多的人加入我們…沒有多餘的空間給穿套裝的小混混,我們只要真正可以kick ass的英雄。


  • “punk”[pʌŋk] (n.) 小混混、小流氓。

        Example: Don't let those punks take advantage of you.

        Example: Don't be a punk.


  • “kick ass” [kɪk æs] 表面上來說好像是踢屁股,其實在口語中是指1.「好好地修理那人一頓,給他點顏色看看」。2. 也可以用來說某人或某事情很「屌」、很「厲害」。

Example: Go kick some ass! (某人上場比賽前,可以跟他這麼說)

Example: Your new dress really kicks ass!

Marty: The Motherf*****, he's some guy planning to be the world's first supervillain. He's got like a thousand followers already.

Marty: The Motherf*****,他就是那種計劃要成為世界上第一的超級大壞蛋那種人。他已經有大概一千個追隨者。


  • “villain”[ˈvɪlən] (n.) 1. 歹徒、惡棍、流氓。 2. (小說、電影或戲劇中的) 反派主角。

        Example: The villain made no scruple of committing murder.

        Example: He often plays the part of the villain.


  • “the villain of the piece” 元凶、禍首、危害的人。

        Example: The biggest villain of the piece is the financial academic establishment.


Mindy Macready: Kick-Ass isn't a costume, it's who you really are… My daddy made me promise I'd never stop defending this city.

Mindy Macready: “Kick-Ass” 才不是一件戲服,是真實的你…我爸還叫我發誓我永遠不會停止捍衛這個城市。


  • “defend”[dɪˈfɛnd] (v.) 1. 防禦、保衛、保護。 2. 替…辯護、為…辯解。

        Example: His courage in defending religious and civil rights inspired many outside the country.

        Example: He is so obstinate that he still tries to defend his theory, although it has been proved wrong.

Police Chief: We're putting an end to this costume freak! This vigilante stuff ends now! If they're wearing a mask, they're getting detained!

Police Chief: 我們要杜絕這個變裝狂!這個義務警察的東西現在立刻停止。假如他們帶著面具,他們就要被扣押


  • “put ane nd to” [pʊt ən ɛnd tu] (v.) 結束、終止、杜絕、廢止。

        Example: We must put an end to the pointless conflict.


  • “vigilante”[ˌvɪdʒəˈlænti] (n.) (自發組成的)治安維持會會員、義務警察。

        Example: The subway vigilante in New York was in the media for weeks.


  • “detain”[dɪˈten] (v.) 1. 拘留、扣押。2. 耽擱。

        Example: He was arrested and detained for questioning.

        Example: Thank you. We won't detain you any further.


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