



A family isheld hostage for harboring the target of a murderous syndicate during the Purge, a 12-hour period in which any and all crime is legalized.


  • “hostage” [ˈhɑstɪdʒ] (n.) 人質。

        Example: It is hopeful that two hostages will be freed in the next few days.


  • “be held hostage” 被扣作人質。

        Example: He was taken hostage while on his first foreign assignment as a television journalist.


  • “harbor” [ˈhɑrbɚ] (v.) 庇護、藏匿、收養(動物等)。

        Example: He is accused of harboring an escaped convict.


  • “target” [ˈtɑrɡɪt] (n.) 目標、目的。

        Example: We need to concentrate on our target audience, namely women aged between 20 and 30.


  • “murderous” [ˈmədərəs] (adj.) 1. 蓄意謀殺的、殺人的。2. 兇殘的、殘忍的。

        Example: The criminal is a murderous villain.

        Example: He made a murderous attack on his wife that evening.


  • “syndicate” [ˈsɪndɪkɪt] (n.) 私人聯合會、企業聯合組織、犯罪集團、黑社會組織。

        Example: a major crime syndicate.


  • “purge” [pɚdʒ] (n.) 淨化、清除、清洗。

        Example: The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers.


  • “legalize” [ˈliɡəˌlaɪz] (v.) 使合法化、使得到法律認可。

        Example: The government says it plans to legalize same-sex marriage.


Newscaster: Decriminalized Murder. An outlet for American Rage.

新聞播報員: 合法的殺掠。美國人憤怒的出口。


  • “decriminalize”[di:ˈkrɪmənəˌlaɪzd] (v.) 將(原本非法的事情)合法化。

        Example: Last year the government announced plans to decriminalize same-sex marriage.


  • “outlet” [ˈaʊtˌlɛt] (n.) (情感的)發洩途徑、(思想的)表達方式。

        Example: Her father had found an outlet for his ambition in his work.


  • “rage” [redʒ] (n.) 狂怒、憤怒。

        Example: He went into a rage when he learned about it.


Emergency Broadcast System: This is the Emergency Broadcast System announcing the commencement of the annual purge. At the siren, all emergency services will besuspended for 12 hours. Your government thanks you for your participation.

緊急廣播系統: 這是緊急廣播系統,正在通知一年一度淨化活動的開始。在警報響聲響起後,所有的緊急服務都將暫停12個小時。政府感謝你的參與。


  • “commencement”[kəˈmɛnsmənt] (n.) 開始、開端。

        Example: All applicants should be at least 16 years of age at the commencement of this course.


  • “suspend” [səˈspɛnd] (v.) 暫緩、推遲、暫停。

        Example: He was compelled by illness to suspend his experiment.


  • “participation”[pɑrˌtɪsəˈpeʃən] (n.) 參與、參加。

        Example: Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation. 

James: Tonight allows people a release for all the hatred and violence that they keep up inside them.

James: 在今晚,人們被允許釋放所有在他們心中的仇恨及暴力。


  • “release” [rɪ'li:s] (v.) 釋放、放出。

        Example: He is expected to be released from hospital today.


  • “hatred” [ˈhetrɪd] (n.) 仇恨、憎恨、敵意。

        Example: She is full of hatred for the men who killed her husband.



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