你還記得嗎?『Hangover 醉後大丈夫』中的三個鐵打的好兄弟,在賭城Las Vegas胡搞瞎搞,製造了無盡的瘋狂與爆笑。四位加起來高達281歲的歐吉桑,並且擁有入圍15次、6座奧斯卡金像獎在握,為了不讓”笑臉耶”專美於前,決定一起撂落去,爽快地答應演出,在此片中,聯手玩到起孝。這部片可說是阿桑版的『醉後大丈夫』,不服老誓言要再大玩一場,重新回味青春無敵的滋味。
Robert De Niro 是小編很欣賞的一位演員,年輕的時候,帥哥+演技=大勝,即使到了現在,仍然演什麼像什麼,一點也沒有老味,反而陣陣熟男韻味。
1. You learned the two greatest things in life, never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut.
2. You'll have time to rest when you're dead.
3. The hardest thing about being famous is that people are always nice to you.
Three sixty-something friends take a break from their day-to-day lives to throw a bachelorparty in Las Vegas for their last remaining single pal.
- day today [de tu de] (adv.) 日復一日、日日、天天。
Example: The weather varies from day today.
Example: I don't know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day.
- bachelor [ˈbætʃəlɚ] (n.) 未婚男子、單身漢。
Example: He remained a bachelor all his life.
- remaining [ rɪˈmenɪŋ] (adj.) 剩下的。
Example: The United States has withdrawn the remaining staff from its embassy.
Example: The remaining water was rationed ( out ) carefully among the survivors.
- pal [pæl] (n.) 朋友。
Example: He is a pal of mine.
Archie: Boy these vodka Red Bulls are strange. I feel like I'm getting drunk and electrocuted at the same time! The music, it's loud! It's like everything sounds alike, like they're playing the same song over and over and over again. I probably should get up and dance but I'm used to having a partner. It doesn't seem to matter to that fella. Maybe I'll give it a shot. Maybe not. I hope they play something different. Maybe now.
- electrocute [ɪˈlɛktrəˌkjut] (v.) 1. 使觸電身亡。2. 用電刑處死(罪犯)。
Example: He accidentally electrocuted himself.
Example: He was electrocuted for a murder committed.
- fella ['felər] (n.) 小夥子、傢伙。
Example: He's an intelligent man and a nice fella.
Sam: Oh, I ain't been this hungover in 30 years. Everything is spinning.
- spin [spɪn](v.) 使旋轉。
Example: The Earth spins on its own axis.
Example: The propeller started to spin around.
Paddy: What the hell are you doing here?
Sam: Billy is tying the knot in Vegas.
Paddy: If you think I'm going to Vegas for that selfish bastard, you're dumber than that hat.
- knot [nɑt] (v.) 結合、結婚。
Example: Len tied the knot with Kate five years ago.
Diana: What brings you boys to Vegas?
Sam: Our friend Hazelnut is tying the knot.
Archie: Marrying an infant
Billy: She's not an infant… We've got a couple of unresolved issues.
- infant['ɪnfənt] (n.) 嬰兒。
Example: The sole survivor of the crash was an infant.
- unresolved[ˌʌnrɪˈzɑːlvd] (adj.) 未解決的。
Example: The murder remains unresolved.
Example: The issue is unresolved and certain to remain controversial.
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