小編從很久以前就養成一個習慣,每天起床第一件事情,就是拿著牙刷擠上牙膏,坐定好在電視機前,打開新聞,慢慢刷牙耗個20分鐘,那會得知這部片,全是因為這部片廣告打很大,整天在電視前閃個不停,小編決定要去一看究竟。號稱年度大片,由一整群超Golden的明星聯手演出,並已獲得金球獎多項提名。果然不是蓋的,真的很不錯看,之前就有跟你們分享過,小編很喜歡Jennifer Lawrence,這次她演出一個潑婦母老虎,小編真的覺得她很有種不知何來的風味。
The hardest thing in life to learn is which bridge to cross and which to burn.
Life to me is a journey - you never know what may be your next destination.
A con man, Irving Rosenfeld, along with his seductive British partner, Sydney Prosser, is forced to work for a wild FBI agent, Richie DiMaso. DiMaso pushes them into a world of Jersey powerbrokers and mafia.
- con [kɑn] (n.) 騙局、詭計。(v.) 哄騙、騙。(adj.) 欺詐的、騙取信任的。
Example: The so-called bargain was just a big con!
Example: He claimed that the businessman had conned him of $10,000.
Example: He is literary a con man. Don’t trust anything he said.
- seductive [sɪˈdʌktɪv] (adj.) 1. 非常吸引人的、誘惑的、有魅力的。2. 性感的、撩人的。
Example: It's a seductive argument.
Example: She loves dressing up to look seductive.
- push [pʊʃ] (v.) 1. 推行、推進、史發展。2. 鼓勵、督促、逼迫。
Example: We are continuing to push the business forward.
Example: She thanks her parents for keeping her in school and pushing her to study.
- powerbroker [powerbroker] (n.) 權力掮客。(A person who exerts strong political or economic influence,especially by virtue of the individuals and votes he or she controls.)
Example: A powerbroker who does you a favor will expect you to return it.
- mafia [ˈmɑfɪˌɑ] (n.) 黑幫、勢力集團、秘密犯罪團隊。
Example: Contractors who got the construction jobs had to kick back 2 per cent of the contract price to the mafia.
Richie DiMaso: Everybody thought 'aww, Richie DiMaso's gonna stay in the office.' I'm outside on the field. I got people working for me, my ideas. I'm running the show. I'm thequarterback and I'm not going to settle. Those people, those corrupt people, I'm going after them.
- quarterback [ˈkwɔrtɚˌbæk] (n.) (美式橄欖球的)四分衛。
Example: The word quarterback is borrowed from American football, who leads the team.
- settle [ˈsɛtl] (v.) 庭外和解。
Example: She got much less than she would have done if she had settled out of court.
- corrupt [kəˈrʌpt] (adj.) 貪污的、受賄的。
Example: Corrupt officials always try to draw the curtain over their corruption.
Irving Rosenfeld: I believe that you should treat people the way that you want to be treated. Didn't Jesus say that?
- treat [trit] (v.) 對待、看待、處理。
Example: Police say they're treating it as a case of attempted murder.
Rosalyn Rosenfeld:
The car is a total wreck, and I'm a little stiff. But I don't want to talk about it.
- wreck [rɛk] (n.) 失事的(船隻、汽車、飛機)、損壞的建築。
Example: The car was a total wreck.
- stiff [stɪf] (肌肉或關節) 痠痛的、僵硬的。
Example: I'm stiff all over right now —I hope I can recover for tomorrow's race.
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