已經不知道多少次,"Face it, if you're eager to see Step Up Revolution, you probably don't care much about the plot. This franchise thrives on its always-beautiful romantic leads and the dynamic dances."。坦然面對吧!如果你真的很想要看舞力全開4這部片,你大概沒有太在意情節。這系列成功在它的「很美麗又浪漫的男女主角」還有「熱力四射的舞蹈」。
EMILY arrives in Miami with aspirations of becoming a professional dancer and soon falls in love with SEAN, a young man who leads a dance crew in elaborate flash mobs, called “The Mob.” When a wealthy business man threatens to develop The Mob’s historic neighborhood and displace thousands of people, Emily must band together with Sean and The Mob to turn their performance art into protest art, and *risk losing their dreams to fight for a greater cause.
Sean是一位年輕男孩,帶領著一個叫「The Mob」的舞團表演精緻的快閃舞。
當有錢有勢的商人用開發來威脅到The Mob很有歷史的街坊及將導致上萬的人口搬遷時,
Emily勢必要與Sean還有The Mob同心協力把他們的「表演藝術」轉變成「抗議藝術」,
*risk (V.):冒...風險
Emily: I wish I could just break the rules. (我希望我可以就這樣打破規則。)
Sean: Then break the rules. (那就破壞規則吧!)
*break the rules:打破或破壞規則,在此意指跳出侷限的框框。
Sean: The MOB is our way to shout. It's like us saying listen up, we exist.
The Mob是我們大聲喊叫的方式。就像我們再說"聽好了!我們存在!"
Note: Sean explains to Emily why the MOB is so important. It's a way for the members to be heard and to express themselves.
Sean跟Emily解釋為什麼the Mob如此的重要。是一個讓團員可以發聲(被聽見)和表達他們自己的方式。
Emily: "Enough with performance art -- it's time for protest art."
*it's time:是...時候了
Note: Emily winds up dancing with the MOB, and their views begin to rub off on her.
Emily與the Mob一起跳完舞,他們的看法也開始感染了她。
1. What is "Flash"?
2. Will you break the rules in order to pursuit your dreams?
3. Do you believe that Art could be heard too?
4. Everyone has his/her way to shout " Listen up, we exist!". What is your way of expressing or being heard?
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