看吧!植入身體內的電子儀器就是不放過我!繼上上周的Total Recall後,小編我歪頭一想,腦中立即又浮出了「In Time」這部意義深遠的科幻片。不過當初吸引我買票入場的真的不是皮膚裡的時鐘,而是氣質很優的女主角亞曼達塞佛瑞。
In the near future, humans have been genetically modified so that they stop aging at the age of 25. After 25, an internal clock starts in them and time becomes the onlycurrency. A person could practically live forever if he earns time.
I don't have time. I don't have time to worry about how it happened. It is what it is. We're genetically engineered to stop aging at 25. The trouble is, we live only one more year, unless we can get more time. Time is now the currency. We earn it and spend it. The rich can live forever. And the rest of us? I just want to wake up with more time on my hand than hours in the day.
我沒有時間。我沒有時間去擔心事情怎麼發生的。是怎麼樣就是怎樣樣。我們被基因改造,在25歲停止老化。麻煩的是,我們只能夠多活一年,除非我們可以得到更多的時間。現在,時間就是貨幣。(時間就是金錢) 我們賺取它(時間),也花費它。有錢的人可以永遠存活。那我們這些剩下的人呢?我只想要每天醒來,在我手上有比小時還要多的時間。
"For a few to be immortal, many must die", a line from the film, can be replaced with: for a few to be insanely rich, many must be made poor. When we look around, that is exactly the state of our world today as Niccol points out.
1. make time for something or someone
Definition: create a period of time especially for a thing or person
I need to make some extra time for reading.
I'll make time for you on Saturday.
2. at all times
Definition: always
Make sure to keep your seat belts on at all times.
Students need to pay attention at all times.
3. behind the times
Definition: not fashionable, not up on current fashions
My Dad is so behind the times!
She dresses like it was the 70s she's behind the times!
4. out of time
Definition: not have any more time available
I'm afraid we're out of time for today.
You're out of time for that competition.
If you only have one day to live, how would you spend it?
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