Legally Blonde是一部在2001年上映的Romantic Comedy。如果你是小編網誌的忠實讀者,你一定知道我對於Romantic Comedy這類型的片子來者不拒。
Although it is a 10-ish years old film, I keep re-watching it from time to time. Despite itsexaggerated plots, the personality traits of the main character, Elle Woods actuallyinspired me.
雖然已經是一部10年多前的電影了,我還是會時不時的重新觀賞。儘管它誇張的劇情,片中女主角Elle Woods的人格特性的確激勵了我。
When a blonde sorority queen is dumped by her boyfriend, she decides to follow him to Harvard Law School to get him back and, once there, learns she has more legal savvythan she ever imagined.
Blonde is a person, especially a woman, having light-colored hair and skin.
Blondes are woman who relied on her looks rather than on intelligence. 金髮女郎是依靠外表多於智慧的女人們。
Stereotype: A stereotype is a popular belief aboutspecific types of individuals or certain way of doing things.
Negative Stereotypes 負面刻板印象
˙ All blond women are dumb. (所有金髮的女人都是愚蠢的。)
˙ Girls are only concerned about physical appearance. (女孩子只關心外表。)
˙ Guys are messy and unclean. (男孩子都亂跟髒。)
˙ All teenagers are rebels. (所有的青少年們都是造反份子。)
˙ All children don't enjoy healthy food. (所有的小孩都不喜歡健康的食物。)
˙ Only anorexic women can become models. (只有罹患厭食症的女人可以成為模特兒。)
˙ Men who like pink are effeminate. (喜歡粉紅色的男生沒有男子氣概/陰柔。)
Positive Stereotypes 正面刻板印象
˙ All Asians are geniuses. (所有的亞洲人都是天才。)
˙ All Latinos dance well. (所有的拉丁美洲人都很會跳舞。)
˙ French are romantic. (法國人都很浪漫。)
˙ All Asians know kung fu. (所有的亞洲人都會功夫。)
˙ Italians are good lovers. (義大利人都是好情人。)
Gender Stereotypes 性別刻板印象
˙ Women actually use only 5% of what's in their purse. Everything else is junk. (女人實際上只使用到她們包包裡東西的5%。其他的東西都是垃圾。)
˙ Men brag about intimacy. (男人愛吹噓私密事情。)
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