除了沉迷於romantic comedy這類電影外,小編其實也是有在培養內在涵養的!
第一次接觸musical film(歌舞電影)是在2002那年的,「Chicago」芝加哥,把夢幻的百老匯搬上大螢幕,華麗多變的造型,動人心旋的歌舞。對於眼於又唱、佑說、又演的舞台詮釋,我真的愛不釋手。看完後好一陣子,我都會拿著空蕩蕩的可口可樂曲線瓶,在家扮演那一位活靈活現的歌姬。(哈哈!)
The musical film is a film genre in which songs sung by the characters are interwoven into the narrative, sometimes accompanied by dancing.
到了2010年,當年的瓶中精靈Christina Aguilera與不敗天后Cher兩人聯手演出的Burlesque整個讓人無法招架啊!
Burlesque is a literary, dramatic or musical workintended to cause laughter by caricaturing the manner or spirit of serious works, or by ludicrous treatment of their subjects. The word derives from the Italian burlesco, which itself derives from the Italian burla – ajoke, ridicule or mockery.
Burlesque is a 2010 musical film and starring Cher and Christina Aguilera. It is a story about a small-town girl ventures to Los Angeles and finds her place in a neo-burlesque club runby a former dancer.
Burlesque是一部在2010上映,由Cher及Christina Aguilera演出的歌舞電影。這是個有關於來自小鎮的女孩冒險到Los Angeles,最後在一家由一位前舞者所經營的創新的歌舞劇聚樂部,找到自己的一片天空。
It takes a legend to make a star.
Ali: Just tell me what you're looking for!
Ali: 就告訴我妳到底要什麼!
Tess: I can't tell you. Nobody can tell you. You gonna make me believe that you belonged on that stage. That's yours, and then nobody can take it from you.
Tess: 我不能夠告訴妳!沒有人可以告訴妳。妳要讓我相信妳是屬於那個舞台的。那是妳的,沒有人可以從你身邊奪走的。
以下是其中一首歌的部分歌詞,Christina Aguilera演唱的The Beautiful People
獻給你們這群beautiful people
The girls are flipping their hair back 女孩們把頭髮甩到背後
You see them looking so perfect 你可以看到她們的完美
Like from another planet 就好像從另一個星球來的
All of the beautiful people 所有美麗的人們
Shining like diamonds 像鑽石一樣閃閃發亮
(附上歌曲的youtube連結 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDL90Gan57M)
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