小編小時候最喜歡看的偵探小說就是福爾摩斯跟亞森羅蘋,孩童時代只專注於到底誰是壞人,一直沒有花心思在想像名偵探的模樣,直到這個經典角色被拍成了電影,找了Robert Downey Jr.小勞勃道尼飾演這個不按牌理出牌的古怪偵探,一切都水落石出了,上帝有點不公平,聰明的人也剛好會是帥哥!
Sherlock Holmes is a 2009 action mystery film.
(Sherlock Holmes是2009年的推理動作片。)
Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created byauthor and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A London-based "consulting detective" whose abilitiesborder on the fantastic, Holmes is famous for his astute logical reasoning and his use of forensic science skills to solve difficult cases.
(Sherlock Holmes 是一位虛構的偵探,由醫師兼作家的Sir Arthur Conan Doyle所創造出來。一個以倫敦為基地的"專職顧問偵探",他的能力近似古怪,Holmes出名在他的敏銳的邏輯推理,以及利用辯論科學的技能來破解困難的案件。)
Trivia About Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes
有關Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 和 Sherlock Holmes 的瑣事
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the writer who created Sherlock Holmes,
once said, “If in one hundred years I am known only as the man who invented Sherlock Holmes, then I will have
considered my life a failure.”(創造Sherlock Holmes的作家Sir Arthur Conan Doyle曾經說過,
「假如一百年內,大家只認得我是創造Sherlock Holmes的那個人,那我認為我的人生是失敗的。」)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a doctor. He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh, where he started writing stories on study breaks. When he opened his own doctor’s office after graduating, business wasn’t too good. So guess what? He started writing stories.
(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a doctor是一位醫生。他在愛丁堡大學研讀醫學,也在這個地方,他利用學校休假開始撰寫故事。在畢業後,他開業了,有一家他自己的診所,生意不是太好。猜猜怎麼了?於是他開始寫故事了。)
*當老美要敘述一件會令人感到驚訝的事情時,他們習慣在句首加上,"Guess what?" 或是 "You know what?" 來增強自己的語氣。
當然, "Guess what?" 從字面上來看是猜猜看發生了什麼事的意思,想要給聽者一個驚喜。就像中文裏,"你知道嗎?" 是一樣的。
What if J.K. Rowling had Harry Potter die in the third book in the series because she wanted to write other books?! That’s what Doyle did six years after Holmes first appeared. In 1893’s story, The Final Problem, Sherlock Holmes was killed. Public outcrymade Doyle write more stories and bring the detective back to life.
(假使J.K Rowling讓Harry Potter在系列的第三本書裡死掉,因為她想要撰寫別的書?這就是Doyle在Holmes第一次出現的六年後所做的一樣。在1983年的故事中,"The Final Problem",Sherlock Holmes被扼殺了。在大眾強烈抗議之下,Doyle只好寫更多的故事,並讓這位偵探起死回生。)
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