He's just not that into you,原本是一本Self-improvement(自我修養)類型的書籍。在2004年出版時,賣得轟轟烈烈,每位少女人手一本,大家都想找出「他到底喜不喜歡我?」的解答。這本書有出中文版,但是英文版的內容其實並不太艱深,內容有趣辛辣,你們如果有興趣,不妨買一本原文的來閱讀喔!此書在2009年被改編為同名電影,由許多當紅明星擔綱演出。
Nine people in Baltimore deal with their respective romantic problems, usually thwarted by the differingideals and desires of their chosen partner. At the center of this is Gigi, a young woman who repeatedlymisinterprets the behavior of her romantic partners.
He's just not that into you的書及電影中都有提到以下幾個sign(預兆),不管你覺得是一派胡言、針針見血還是如夢初醒,不妨參考一下囉!
Signs He’s Just Not That Into You
He takes forever to text or email you back (他花很久的時間回覆你的簡訊或電子郵件)
He maintains physical and emotional distance (他保持身體及感情上的距離)
He rudely shoots down your ideas (他無禮的否決你的想法)
He only sees you after midnight (他只在過午夜後見妳面)
He attends major events without you (他不攜帶妳出席重要的活動)
He refuses to make future plans with you — short- or long-term (他拒絕跟你一起計劃未來;短或長期的)
He’s already involved with someone else (他已經與另外的人有牽扯了)
He talks about his ex frequently. (他頻繁地談論他的前女友) He encourages you to date other people. (他鼓勵你的跟其他人約會)
He tells you he's not ready for a relationship. (他告訴你他還沒有準備好要談感情)
He still hasn't asked you out. (他仍然還沒有約妳出去)
He doesn't let you go near his phone. (他不讓你接近他的電話)
He is always running late. (他老是遲到)
He's disappeared on you. (他搞失蹤)
He is lack of initiative (缺乏主動)
He's a selfish jerk, a bully, or a really big freak. (他是一個自私鬼、惡霸或很詭異的怪人)
Last-minute invitations (臨時的邀約)
He doesn't want to meet your friends or family. (他不想要見你的朋友或家人)
He is consistently casual. (他一貫地穿著隨便)
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