偷天派克:由《魔鬼代言人》金獎導演泰勒哈克佛德所執導,《黑天鵝》約翰麥克拉弗林根據美國懸疑小說家唐納德維斯雷克的暢銷系列小說改編而成,由好萊塢動作明星Jason Statham(傑森史塔森)與性感拉丁天后Jennifer Lopez(珍妮佛洛佩茲),領銜主演的驚悚犯罪動作電影。
小編一直覺得這位Jason Statham真的是有夠性格,只要是由他主演的電影,就會有不停頓的危險刺激動作,感覺每次看完片,都會覺得自己好像買了一場馬拉松,整個無法喘息。(但不知道大家有沒有發現他其實髮線高到一個不行。) 這次大臀珍再戰大螢幕,感覺她多了一點氣質,可見她還真的有演好這個角色呢!
Athief with a unique code of professional ethics is double-crossedby his crew and left for dead. He sets out for revenge on them,travelling to Palm Beach, where he enlists the help of insider. He looks to hijackthe score of the crew's latest heist.
Civilized people need to follow rules but these are mine. I don't steal from people who can't afford it and I don't hurt people who don't deserve it. Most importantly, if you say you'll do something and you don't, I'll make sure you regret it.
。“civilized”文明的、開化的:Ifyou describe a society as civilized, you mean that it is advanced and hassensible laws and customs.
Example: Punctuality is a necessaryhabit in all public affairs in civilized society.
。“afford”負擔得起、買得起:Ifyou cannot afford something, you do not have enough money to pay for it.
Example: I can't afford thevacation, for it would eat up my savings.
Parker gives an overviewof his ideology in that he is a professional thief but he does havecertain rules that he vows to follow along the way.
。“overview”概觀、概述:Anoverview of a situation is a general understanding or description of it as awhole.
Example: A few short sentences canprovide the overview a book's plot.
Don't start anything. He's got connections.
。“connection”關係、人脈:Yourconnections are the people who you know or are related to, especially when theyare in a position to help you.
Example: She used all herconnections to full advantage.
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