小編喜歡看的電影都會有一個共通的元素,就是至少要有帥哥出場,想必看到此,你們應該已經心理在定位我是一個沒有深度的人了吧~Come on! 要坐在電影院裡頭兩三的小時,沒有養眼的看真的難熬。此次吸引我本人到電影院收看G.I. Joe續集的就是這位Channing Tatum (查尼塔圖)。從當model起家,一開始就是個大花瓶開始,努力不懈,到現在的猛男演技派,Channing真的是Hollywood不可多得的那種面面俱到男星。當然這種大片的賣點通常都不止一兩個,威利大叔、巨石強森、李秉憲再次蟬聯,有這麼多吸引人的大明星們,不看可惜啊~大家不妨利用週末的美好時光,趕緊到電影院去欣賞這部充滿厲害臉孔暨刺激動作滿檔的大片吧!
In this sequel,the G.I. Joes are not only fighting their mortal enemy Cobra; they areforced to contend with threats from within the government that jeopardizetheir very existence.
在這次的續集當中,G.I. Joes不只是要對抗與他們不共戴天的敵人Cobra;他們也被強迫地要與來自政府內部的威脅來搏鬥,這威脅有可能會危及整個團隊的存在。
We were set up right from the start. Any and all traces of our existence is terminated.
“setup” 有建立或安排的意思。以上台詞說我們被setup了,就等於我們被安排了,於是譯為我們被設計了。
Example: That was definitely a set up.He couldn’t have done anything like that.
當你“terminate” something,這個something就結束完全的結束了。可譯為終止或結束。
Example: You have no right to terminatethe contract.
They're all dead and only one man could authorize a strike like that. I voted for him.
Example: Only the President couldauthorize the use of the atomic bomb.
Example: The strikecaused a great delay in the delivery of the mail.
Example: They made an air strike on theenemy's position.
So let me get this straight.
“letme get this straight” 是一個美國人日常生活慣用語。當你真正想要確定你清楚地了解某件事情時,你就說”Let me get thisstraight.”,然後將該議題以問局的形式重述一遍,目的是要確認一下自己有沒有聽錯,或希望他有必要的話將事情講清楚、說明白。
Example: So, let me get this straight. Yourfather spent his entire life looking for the cures to treat
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