前幾天,小編在翻閱自己的電影收藏,無意間掃過這部名為Blue Valentine的電影,心裡不禁揪了一下。市面上絕大部份的愛情電影都是在歌頌從相識到相戀的那段精華時光,在本片中,導演卻反其道而行,來個逆向大操作,拍了一部發生在美麗結局後的愛情故事,一個充滿殘酷、現實以及悲哀的愛情故事。
由於導演在拍攝上的用心,加上一反Hollywood浪漫滿屋的劇情,幾年前觀賞這部電影時,小編難得的有觀察並體會到縝密的劇情。尤Michelle Williams(蜜雪兒威廉斯)與有抑鬱氣質的Ryan Gosling(雷恩葛斯林) 兩位演技派的實力演員演出,成功詮釋出被現實生活壓力摧毀掉的美好愛情。
Dean meets Cindywhen they're in their late teens; he's working for a moving company, she's acollege student visiting her elderly grandmother at a home for the elderly.Years later, Dean and Cindy are married and have a daughter, Frankie, butthey're clearly not as happy as they once were; Dean loves his daughter butfeels distant from his wife, they have to look after an elderly relative, andwhen Cindy bumps into Bobby while running errands, it's clear he still holds agrudge against her. Dean and Cindy go away for a weekend together at a hotel,but it doesn't take long for them to realize that the magic isn't coming back.
You said for better or for worse. You said that. You said it. It was a promise. Now, this is my worst, okay? This is my worst. But I'm gonna get better.
“forbetter or for worse”是在表達 “不管是好是壞”、“不管結果如何”。
Example: It ' s been done, and, forbetter or worse, we can ' t change it now
Example: We must take life for better orfor worse.
In my experience, the prettier a girl is, the more nuts she is.
Example: Nuts and seeds are good sourcesof vitamin E.
Example: He drives like a nut he'll killhimself one day.
Example: You are driving me nuts. (= Youare driving me crazy.)
For me, I sort of felt like it was kind of a fairytale... but an interesting one.
“sortof” 是一個很有趣的詞,在想不出恰當的詞或是不知道下面該怎麼說時使用,有”可以說”或”可說是”的意思。還有另一個意思為”有幾分”、”有那麼點兒”,與kind of相似意思。
A: Do you understand what I am saying?
B: Yes, sort of.
Example: The car's got some sort ofengine trouble again.
Example: She was a bright and breezysort of girl, always laughing.
Example: That sort of thing terrifiespeople.
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