我終於等到你再度現身啦! Iron Man是小編除了索爾之外最喜歡的Marvel角色,如果有搞不清楚Marvel是什麼的你們,請見之前的Thor篇有詳盡的介紹。上映第一天,小編就揪了一屋子的朋友一起前去觀賞,可以比美國人還要更早欣賞到鐵打的男人,小編真心的開心啊!
When Stark finds his personal worlddestroyed at his enemy's hands, he embarks on questing to findthose responsible. This journey, at every turn, will test his mettle.With his back against the wall, Stark is left to survive by his own devices,relying on his ingenuity and instincts to protect those closestto him. As he fights his way back, Stark discovers the answer to the questionthat has secretly haunted him: does the man make the suit or does thesuit make the man?
當Tony Stark發現自己的世界被摧毀在他敵人手裡時,他著手要找出要為此負責的人。在這次的旅程中,跟每一次一樣,都在試驗他的勇氣毅力。在沒有退路(的情況下,Stark靠著精密的高科技裝備尋找幕後主謀,努力地求生存,憑著他的足智多謀及直覺來保護與他最親近的人。在予以反擊之際,他卻發現了一個巨大的問題:隨著戰火的升高,到底是身上的鋼鐵戰衣造就了他,還是他成就了這套鋼鐵戰衣?
I'm Tony Stark. I build neat stuff, got a great girl and occasionally save the world. So why can't I sleep?
我是Tony Stark。我建造很好的東西,擁有一個很棒的女孩,很偶爾地,我還會保護世界和平。
● "neat"整潔的、整齊的。
Example:Each sheet was covered with small, neat handwriting.
● "neat" 在口語上則是指"很好的"、"很棒的"。
Example:It'll be neat to have a father and son playing on the same team.
In this quote, TonyStark, AKA Iron Man, explains his life. It's pretty amazing being that he getsto save the world an all but it doesn't help him sleep at night, something heneeds to fix.
在這段引述中,Tony Stark,亦稱為Iron Man,在說明他的生活。很棒的是,他可以保護這個世界還有其他所有的一切,但這些卻都沒有辦法幫助他在晚上睡個好覺,有些事情是需要他去處理收拾的。
● "aka": aka is an abbreviation(縮寫) for 'also known as'. aka is used especially when referring to someone'snickname or stage name。
Example:Steve Rogers, aka Captain America.
My name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of you. I know you're a coward.
我的名字叫Tony Stark,還有我一點也不怕你。我知道你是個懦夫。
● "coward"懦夫、膽小鬼。
Example:She accused her husband of being a coward.
Example:You are a terror at home, but a coward outside.
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