沒想到Fast & Furious竟一路出到第6集了,面對這部系列片的成長,小編暗自的在心中滴淚。到底為什麼呢?因為想當年第1集出現時,小編還是個孩童,那時也是西岸青年人瘋狂於改裝賽車的年代,現在第6集來臨時,本人我已邁入中年。在這個寫稿的三更半夜裡,特別地不勝唏噓。
Dom的團隊因為在Rio搶走了貪污腐敗生意人的一億美金現金後,之前的罪名讓大家散落在世界各地有家歸不得。不知道你們還記不記得,Dom最深愛的女人Letty Ortiz死掉的時候,他整個痛不欲生,在這集Letty將以一個令人難以置信的方式起死回生,這個情節真的有嚇到我。Letty這個型的女生是小編最愛的女孩德性,怎麼說呢?就是要有種很野性的man感。
Agent Luke Hobbs enlists Dominic Toretto and his team to bring down former Special Ops soldier Owen Shaw, leader of a unit specializing in vehicular warfare.
Luke Hobbs探員徵招了Dominic Toretto 還有他的團隊來擊倒一位前軍事作戰特種軍人Owen Shaw,Owen Shaw領導了一個擅長於用車輛製造衝突的犯罪團體。
I can reach out and break you whenever I want.
● “reach out” [ritʃ aʊt]:1. (使)伸出、(使)伸展;2. 試圖溝通;3. 伸出援手
Example 1: I reached out a hand and caught the ball.
A tree reaches out its branches towards the sun.
Example 2: I reached out to them to see how I could get involved.
Example 3: Mercy is reaching out to those who have nothing to give back to you.
This code you live by makes you predictable. In our line of work, predictable makes you vulnerable.
● “code”[kod]: 行為準則、規則、法典、法規
Example: Students must observe the code of the school.
● “live by” [liv baɪ]: 以…為生、以…謀生
Example: The islanders live by fishing.
They live by honest labour.
● “predictable”[prɪˈdɪktəbl]: 可預言的、可預測的、可預料的
Example: The ending of the book was entirely predictable.
● “vulnerable”[ˈvʌlnərəbəl]: 1. 脆弱的、易受傷害的;2. 易受影響的
Example 1: She was left feeling exposed and vulnerable.
Example 2: He is vulnerable to temptation.
You don't turn your back on family, even when they do.
● “turn one’s back on someone”:從字面上解釋為“把自己的背對著某人”,實際上就是指”背棄某人”、“不肯給那個有困難的人任何幫助”
Example: I won't ever forgive my older brother
- he turned his back on me and refused to lend me money when I lost my job.
● 這邊另外介紹一個片語”turn one’s back on something”: 停止與某事有關係、停止參與某事
Example: I don’t think Spain can afford to turn its back on tourism. Tourism is one of the most important incomes.
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