我要大叫了!你們也在尖叫吧?!這真的是本年度最令人期待的大片啊!這一篇我不知道要用掉幾個驚歎號。當年Monster Inc.發表後,小編就瘋狂的愛上這些長的還真醜的怪獸們,那年生日趴,不知道收到多少怪獸玩偶,每天親吻著Boo睡覺,是最幸福的事。(不知為何,我聽起來有點詭異。)雖然這次的Monsters University敘述的是怪獸們少年郎時期,但還是令人無比得興奮。各式各樣的怪獸,到大學裡頭學習如何嚇人,你說要怎麼拒付電影票錢?
還有還有,大家千千萬萬,一定要到Monsters University的官網上面去參觀喔!整個做的跟真的一樣,內容無敵有趣,還可以拍個學生證玩玩。
Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan are an inseparable pair, but that wasn't always the case. From the moment these two mismatched monsters met they couldn't stand each other. "Monsters University" unlocks the door to how Mike and Sulley overcame their differences and became the best of friends.
Mike Wazowski (大眼怪)和James P. Sullivan (毛怪)是一對形影不離的搭檔,但不是一直都是這樣的。這兩個被錯搭的怪物,從他們遇到彼此的那刻起,他們就無法忍受對方。「怪獸大學」為他們開啓了一扇大門,讓這兩個怪物克服彼此的相異處,進而成為最好的朋友。
Sulley: I’m going to wipe the floor with that little know-it-all.
Sulley: 我要用那個小不拉幾的”萬事通”來擦地板。
.“know-it-all” = “know all”: (n.) (美國口語) 假裝博學多聞的人、萬事通;(adj.)自稱無所不知的。
Example: Don't be such a know-it-all. You also make mistakes sometimes.
Susan is always correcting other people. She thinks she a know-it-all.
We don't like his know -it -all attitude.
Mike Wizowski: You don’t think I’m scary?
Sulley: You’re not even in the same league as me.
Mike Wizowski: 你不覺得我可怕嗎?
Sulley: 咱們等級不同。
.“league”[liɡ]: (n.) 1. 級別、檔次、水平。2. 聯盟、同盟。
Example: Her success has taken her out of my league.
Their record sales would put them in the same league as The Rolling Stones.
Yankee was league champions last season.
Dean Hardscrabble: I'm here to make good scarers great, not make mediocre scarers less mediocre.
Dean Hardscrabble: 我在這裡是為了製造優良的「偉人怪獸」,不是製造比二流還二流的怪獸。
.“great”[ɡret]: (n.) 1. 偉人、名人、大人物。2. 金曲。
Example: Oscar is the night all thegreats of Hollywood get together.
“What a wonderful world”by Louis Armstrong is the all time greats.
.“mediocre”[ˌmidiˈokɚ]: (adj.) (事物) 普通的、平庸的、一般的、二流的。
Example: The student tried hard, but hiswork is mediocre.
Born mediocre and unambitious,she has always been endowed with great things.
Mike Wizowski: If you’re going to prank someone the least you can do is think of something clever.
Mike Wizowski: 假如你要整別人,你至少也想些聰明點的。
.“prank”[præŋk]: (v.) 惡作劇、開玩笑。
Example: Jake sometimes pranks the girl he likes by calling her without speaking at all.
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