I ADORE Amy Adams and Emily Blunt !!
Rose: We're all finished. Because it's our first visit, we did the blinds and the appliances ......
蘿絲: 我們打掃完了。因為這是我們第一次為您服務,所以我們清了百葉窗還有電器用品。
快來抄筆記吧~~ From A to Z
1. Air Conditioner = 冷氣機
2. Ceiling Fan = 吊扇
3. Clothes Dryer = 烘乾機
4. Clothes Washer / Washing Machine = 洗衣機
5. Coffee Maker = 咖啡機
6. Dehumidifier = 除濕機
7. Dishwasher = 洗碗機
8. Drill = 電鑽
9. Electric Blanket = 電熱毯
10. Electric Heater = 電暖器
11. Food Blender = 食物攪拌器
12. Food Processor = 食物處理器
13. Hair Dryer = 吹風機
14. Humidifier = 加濕器
15. Iron = 熨斗
16. Microwave ( Oven ) = 微波爐
17. Oven = 烤箱
18. Power Saw = 電鋸
19. Refrigerator / Freezer = 冰箱 / 冷凍庫
20. Sewing Machine = 縫紉機
21. Stereo = 音響
22. Toaster = 烤麵包機
23. Vacuum Cleaner = 吸塵器
How many of the above mentioned appliances do you have at home ??
Are there any that you have at home but I didn't list ??
In the movie, the two girls have a crime scene clean-up company.
When someone is murdered, they have to go clean up the blood and gore.
Would you wanna do that job ??
Please keep in mind that they can make a lot of money.
Tell us what you think by commenting ~~~
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