I'd like to try wearing a Superman outfit.
The only problem is....Superman's costumes are usually very tight, I would need to lose some weight before giving it a go.
Claire: You've got a bruise, right here.
克萊爾: 你這邊瘀青了。
要表達自己生病的基本句型是: I have ............
例如: I have a headache. 就是 「我頭痛。」
1. a headache = 頭痛
2. an earache = 耳朵痛
3. a toothache = 牙痛
4. a stomachache = 胃痛、肚子痛
5. a backache = 背痛
6. a sore throat = 喉嚨痛
7. cramps = 生理痛、抽筋
** 請注意,1 ~ 5 的用法是固定的,不是所有的身體部位都可以加 ache 在後面表達疼痛。
如想說其他的地方痛的話,請使用6的方法,在身體部位前加一個 sore 。
例: I have sore muscles. = 我肌肉痠痛。**
1. a cold = 感冒
2. the flu = 流行性感冒 ( 全名為 influenza )
3. a fever = 發燒
4. a cough = 咳嗽
5. a runny nose = 流鼻水
6. nasal congestion / a blocked nose = 鼻塞
1. an infection = 感染
2. a rash = 疹子
3. a wart = 疣
3. a cavity = 蛀牙
4. diarrhea = 拉肚子
* 相反的「便秘」= I'm constipated. / I have constipation. *
5. the hiccups = 打嗝
6. I am sneezing. = 我在打噴嚏。
7. I am burping. = 我在打飽嗝。
8. I am vomiting / throwing up. = 我在吐。
9. I am bleeding. = 我在流血。
1. I twisted my ankle. = 我扭傷腳踝。
2. I sprained my wrist. = 我扭傷手腕。
3. I scratched my face. = 我抓傷了臉。
4. I scraped my knee. = 我擦傷了膝蓋。
5. I burnt / burned my finger. = 我燙傷了手指。
6. I cut my toe. = 我割傷了腳趾頭。
7. I dislocated my shoulders. = 我肩膀脫臼。
8. I broke my leg. = 我腿斷了。
9. I have a bloody nose. = 我流鼻血。
10. I have a blister. = 我起水泡。
狀態大多為形容詞,所以請搭配 be動詞 或 feel 使用。
1. I feel faint. = 我頭暈、虛弱。
2. I'm dizzy. = 我頭暈目眩。
3. I feel nauseous. = 我想吐。
4. I'm bloated. = 我脹氣。
5. I feel exhausted. = 我筋疲力盡。
6. My feet are swollen. = 我腳水腫。( 撞傷的腫起來也可以用 swollen。)
7. My arm is itchy. = 我手臂癢癢的。
Quiz Time: What does " sunburn " mean ?
You should be careful and try not to get sunburnt when you go to the beach in summer.
Do you have any of the above problems right now ?
If you do, tell us about it by commenting below.
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