Emma Stone is really hot, hot, hot these days. You see her in A LOT of movies.
Cal: Just because I've watched you pick up women, doesn't mean I know how to pick up women.
卡爾: 雖然我看過你把妹,可那不代表我就知道怎麼把妹。
今天我們就來教一些國外的經典「搭訕」話術,也就是所謂的 pick-up line。
如何一句就擒芳心呢 ??
天堂 / 天使 類
1. Am I dead, Angel? Cause this must be heaven!
天使,我死了嗎 ? 因為這裡是天堂啊 !
2. God must be in a very good mood today, he made us meet .
3. Are you lost ? Because heaven's a long way from here.
你迷路了嗎 ? 天堂離這裡很遠的。
裝可憐 類
1. Help the homeless. Take me home with you.
2. If I followed you home, would you keep me ?
要是我跟著你回家,你會收留我嗎 ?
3. Can you kiss me on the cheek so I can at least say a cute girl kissed me tonight ?
你可不可以親一下我的臉頰 ? 這樣我還可以跟人說今晚有個可愛的女孩親了我。
4. I'm choking! I need mouth to mouth, quick!
我噎住了。快幫我人工呼吸 !
5. If you walk away now, I'll die with a broken heart.
讚美 類
1. There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't take them off you.
2. You're like a dictionary, you add meaning to my life !
3. Were you arrested earlier ? It's gotta be illegal to look that good.
你剛有被逮捕嗎 ? 長得這麼美應該是非法的吧。
4. Can I borrow a quarter? I want to call my mom and tell her I just met the girl of my dreams.
可以借我點錢嗎 ? 我想打電話跟我媽說我遇見了夢中情人了。
5. I’m not drunk, I’m just intoxicated by you.
低級 類
1. Nice pants. Can I test the zipper ?
你的褲子真好看。我可不可以試一下拉鍊有沒有壞 ?
2. If you're going to regret this in the morning, we can sleep until the afternoon.
3. Nice dress. Can I talk you out of it ?
你的裙子真美。我能說服你脫下來嗎 ?
經典 類
1. Haven't we met before ? / Do I know you from somewhere ?
我們之前見過面吧 ?
2. Can I buy you a drink ?
我可以請你喝一杯嗎 ?
3. Are you here alone ?
你一個人嗎 ?
4. Is this seat taken ?
這位子有人坐嗎 ?
What other pick-up lines do you know ??
Do any of them work ?
Tell us more by commenting below.....
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