This is a remake of a 1978 film.
Professor: Piranha hunt in packs. The first bite draws blood; the blood draws the pack.
教授: 食人魚是成群狩獵的。第一口先取血,而血則招來整群魚。
今天要講的是 draw 這個動詞。看似簡單的這個字有著許多的變化,請千萬要分清楚才不會誤解別人的意思喔。
1. draw [v.] = 畫畫
e.g. I drew a picture of my family today.
例: 我今天畫了張全家幅。
2. draw [v.] = 引來 / 招來
e.g. This show draws thousands of visitors every year.
例: 這個展每年都吸引好幾千人。
3. draw [v.] = 拔 / 汲取
e.g. He drew his sword and beheaded the monster.
例: 他拔出劍將怪物斬首。
4. draw [v.] = 抽取 / 抽獎
e.g. The machine draws 6 numbers out.
例: 機器會抽出六個號碼。
5. draw [v.] = 拉 / 拖
e.g. Horses are used to draw carts.
例: 馬會被用來拖車。
6. draw [v.] = 領錢 / 提錢 ( withdraw 也可 )
e.g. I need to draw some money to pay rent.
例: 我要領點錢付房租。
7. draw [v.] = 比成平手
e.g. The two teams drew.
例: 兩隊平手。
draw 也可當名詞,但由於很多都跟動詞的意思一樣,所以就不特別解釋了。
Quiz Time: What does " Spring Break " mean??
Tell us by commenting.
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