Do you still remember "The Blue Lagoon" and how pretty Brook Shields was??
Tyler: Dad, you're building on a nature preserve and Nature's ticked off.
泰勒: 爸,你想在自然保護區上動土,大自然非常的不爽。
" angry " 這個字人人都會,但要表達「生氣」可不只一種說法。
1. She is not just angry; she' s furious. = 她不是氣,她是狂怒。
2. I was really pissed off last night = 我昨晚真的感到很不爽。
3. Are you also ticked off at Pete? = 你也對彼得不爽嗎?
4. He sees red when people mistreat animals. = 要是有人虐待動物,他會火冒三丈 。
5. I get irritated easily in summer. = 我夏天很容易煩躁。
6. Don't talk to her. She's touchy today. = 別跟她說話。她今天很易怒。
7. Don't get cross at her. It was a mistake. = 別生她的氣,是個意外。
What makes you angry?
I get peeved when I hear about animal abuse.
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