Emma Stone is really hot, hot, hot these days. You see her in A LOT of movies.
Cal: Just because I've watched you pick up women, doesn't mean I know how to pick up women.
Emma Stone is really hot, hot, hot these days. You see her in A LOT of movies.
Cal: Just because I've watched you pick up women, doesn't mean I know how to pick up women.
I miss being in school. I had such fun when I was in elementary school.
Elizabeth: You still a gym teacher ?
I'd like to try wearing a Superman outfit.
The only problem is....Superman's costumes are usually very tight, I would need to lose some weight before giving it a go.
It's the weirdest trailer I've seen this year.
However, I'm intrigued. I actually want to watch it when it comes out on DVD.
This is movie is just so DISCO.
電影配樂的好壞可以決定一部電影是否觸動人心,所以今天要用的是 [ 週末夜狂熱 ] 這部片裡的一首歌 " How Deep Is Your Love ?? " 當作教學的內容。
Family and friends get more and more important over time. I value them more than ever.
( 我很喜歡這次的電影海報,是我希望擁有的老年生活。)
How does Jennifer Aniston stay so pretty ?? She already over 40~~
Katherine: You asked for this.
不知各位粉絲過年有沒有去看電影呢 ??
板工在寫上篇的時候 很多得獎的電影在台灣都還沒上映。
不過 最近有開始看到很多相關的預告片了,大家也可以去看看是否實至名歸。
I've watched the clip four times....it's still funny as hell.
Rapunzel: Today is kind of the biggest day of my life.