This kind of marriage must be so hard to bear.
Henry: Look...there are a lot of downsides to my condition....
亨利: 嘿,我的狀況有很多的缺點...
1. advantage vs. disadvantage
e.g. The best advantage of our product is that it's energy-saving.
例: 我們產品最棒的優點就是節源。
2. upside vs. downside
e.g. I can't think of a downside to this job.
例: 我想不出這份工作有任何不好的地方。
3. merit vs. drawback
e.g. She has the merit of offending none.
例: 她的長處是能夠不得罪任何人。
4. strength vs. weakness
e.g. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
例: 你的優缺點為何? ( 面試常問到喔!! )
5. pro vs. con
e.g. Make a list of the pros and cons to compare.
例: 將優缺點列表來比對。
Quiz Time: What does " The pros outweigh the cons. " mean??
Tell us by commenting!
BTW...What kind of superpower would you like to have??
I'd choose flying.
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