A movie that teaches the importance of family. It's never too late to show your love.
June: Last Chinese New Year, we had Auntie Lindo's family to dinner.
君: 去年過年時,我們邀了林多阿姨一家人一起吃團圓飯。
不知大家比較喜歡那一個中國節慶呢 ??
Gregorian Calendar / 陽曆
- Founding Day / 元旦 --> Jan. 1st
- Peace Memorial Day / 228和平紀念日 --> Feb. 28th
- The Combined Holidays of Women's Day & Children's Day / 婦女節、兒童節合併假期 --> Apr. 4th
- Tomb Sweeping Day / 清明節 --> Apr. 5th
- Labor Day / 勞動節 --> May 1st
- Mother's Day / 母親節 --> Second Sunday of May
- Father's Day / 父親節 --> Aug. 8th
- National Celebration Day ( Double Tenth Day ) / 國慶日 ( 雙十節 ) --> Oct. 10th
- Constitution Day / 行憲紀念日 --> Dec. 25th
Lunar Calendar / 陰曆
- Chinese New Year ( Spring Festival ) / 中國年 ( 春節 ) --> 1st of 1st lunar month
- Lantern Festival / 元宵節 --> 15th of 1st lunar month
- Dragon Boat Festival ( Duan Wu Festival ) / 端午節 --> 5th of 5th lunar month
- Qixi Festival ( Chinese Valentine's Day ) / 七夕 --> 7th of 7th lunar month
- Ghost Festival ( Hungry Ghost Festival ) / 中元節 --> 15th of 7th lunar month
- Mid-Autumn Festival ( Moon Festival ) / 中秋節 --> 15th of 8th lunar month
- Double Ninth Festival / 重陽節 --> 9th of 9th lunar month
What Chinese festival do you like the most ?
Don't forget to tell us the reason you like that holiday ~~
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