Tim Burton has the wildest imagination.
Pumpkins: This is Halloween, this is Halloween. Pumpkins scream in the dead of night.
南瓜們: 這裡是萬聖節(小鎮),這裡是萬聖節(小鎮)。南瓜們在深夜裡尖叫。
Federal Public Holidays -- 國定假日
- New Year's Day / 新年 --> Jan. 1st
- Martin Luther King Day / 馬丁.路德.金恩日 --> Third Monday of Jan.
- Presidents' Day / 總統日 --> Third Monday of Feb.
- Memorial Day / 陣亡將士紀念日 --> Last Monday of May
- Independence Day / 獨立紀念日 --> July 4th
- Labor Day / 勞工節 --> First Monday of September
- Columbus Day / 哥倫布日 --> Second Monday of October
- Thanksgiving Day / 感恩節 --> Fourth Thursday in November
- Veterans Day / 退伍軍人節 --> Nov. 11th
- Christmas Day / 聖誕節 --> Dec. 25th
Other Festivals -- 其他節慶
- Groundhog Day / 土撥鼠日 --> Feb. 2nd
- ( St. ) Valentine Day / 情人節 --> February 14th
- Passover / 逾越節 --> between March 13th and April 11th
- Easter / 復活節 --> a Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th
- Mother's Day / 母親節 --> Second Sunday of May
- Father's Day / 父親節 --> Third Sunday of June
- Halloween / 萬聖節 --> Oct. 31st
Quiz Time: Do you know what people in the US do to celebrate the holidays mentioned above ??
For example.....People eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day.
Which ones do you know ??
Tell us by commenting below......
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