Movie Genres
1. Action Movies = 動作片
Action is a genre in which violence plays a major role.
The aim of movies in this genre is to show that the good will beat the bad.
My favorite action movie: Face/Off
Two great actors, an original plot....what's there not to like ??
2. Adventure = 冒險 / 探險片
This genre usually contain exciting stories about quests or searches for treasures.
My favorite adventure movie: Jurassic Park
The first Jurassic Park movie was just amazing to me when I watched it as a kid.
3. Animation = 動畫片
Like cartoons, animation films are made by shooting drawings frame by frame.
Most of the time, the plot will teach children some moral or a good quality.
My favorite animation movie: Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
A great mix of laughter and tears.
4. Biography Films = 人物傳記電影
Biography films tell about the life of a certain person or people.
My favorite biography film: A Beautiful Mind
It's creepy how your mind can play tricks on you.
5. Comedy = 喜劇
Comedies are intended to make people laugh and make them feel better.
There are may sub-genres to comedy. For example...action comedy, romantic comedy, comedy horror.
My favorite comedy movie: ( 92 )家有囍事
I know it's lame, but I just love this film.
6. Documentary = 記錄片
The aim of documentary films is usually to show interesting events, science facts and also beautiful people and communities.
My favorite documentary movie: An Inconvenient Truth
It's shocking that those things are really happening.
7. Drama = 劇情片
These films usually show the struggles, emotions and development of realistic characters when put in difficult situations.
My favorite drama movie: I Am Sam
People that don't cry when watching this movie must have no heart.
What about you ? What movie do you like the most in each genre ?
Share with us by commenting below....
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