Tom Hanks is one of my favorite actors.
Frank: Who are the pills for ?
法蘭克: 那些藥丸是給誰的 ?
For First Aid / 急救用
1. Adhesive tape = 膠布 / 膠帶
2. Antibiotic ointment = 抗生素軟膏
3. Antiseptic solution = 消毒藥水
- Hydrogen peroxide = 雙氧水
- Iodine = 碘酒
4. Bandages = 繃帶
- Band-Aid = OK繃
- Gauze = 紗布
5. Cotton balls and cotton swabs = 棉花球 和 棉花棒
6. Disposable gloves = 拋棄式手套
7. Hand sanitizer = 洗手液
8. Petroleum jelly = 凡士林
9. Safety pins = 安全別針
10. Saline = 生理食鹽水
11. Thermometer = 溫度計
12. Tweezers = 鑷子 / 小鉗子
Others / 其他
1. Birth-control pill / the Pill = 避孕藥
2. Prescription medicine = 處方藥
3. Sleeping pill = 安眠藥
Quiz Time: What's the difference between a pill, a tablet, and a capsule ??
Tell us the answer by commenting below....
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